Saturday, January 27, 2018

Between Days. Literally.

So, what am I doing at almost twelve in the evening/morning? I'm looking up how to make more convincing characters, of course. Because my brain, when it comes to the worlds of possibilities I've opened up with this new plot line for Aesop's story will not shut up. So, thus I am worried about creating not only believable characters but strong and convincing ones. Here are three good articles that I've read. Everyone has, and is, entitled to their own opinion. 




Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Getting Back To The Purest Heart

Working on the cataclysmic moment when the story truly begins Aesop's adventure out of Eutopia. Rewrite number 3...

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

A Beautiful Day in The Hood

It's sunny, sixty degrees, and there are just a few small clouds floating around. Oh, and a wind advisory. Of course.

Monday, January 22, 2018

The Thing About To-Do Lists

To-Do lists:
Are helpful when your brain won't remember anything.
Are helpful when you know that there is NO way you are getting everything done in one day.
Are helpful when you are feeling a little bit lazy.
Are helpful motivators.

Lists can be slightly counterproductive because it is way too easy to get overwhelmed.

When I was looking around for quotes on to-do lists and found this really cool one(including the artsy doodles):

If you do this you, shouldn't have any problems with the but. 🙂