Sunday, February 4, 2018

HSSI-Horticulture Summer Summer Institute

So, while I was searching around for horticulture scholarships, I stumbled upon a summer camp at North Carolina State University. Although I could go to Virginia Tech (eww) I am not entirely sold on the idea and NCSU is only three hours away from the family. Of course, I have been very hesitant because I am not sure if I will like the campus/Raleigh any more than I like Blacksburg. I feel like God is being like, "Tada. Here you go. You decide."

A little on HSSI, so you know why in the world I am so excited. Here's a link:

There are a few existing problems though:

1. Living Waters is July 15-21, and this camp is the 8-13. Luckily, both camps are in NC, though on opposite sides of the state. Which leaves me only a day to rest and laundry problems. The solution to this may be to visit a friend of ours, Clay McClean and his wife, Mary, who live in the middle of the state. Maybe we could ask to do laundry. 😉

2. I have to get accepted in order to go to the camp, something that might not happen because I have not been very active in my pursuit of horticulture. Mostly because of finances.

3. It costs $550 to attend, with the down payment being $150. The reason I listed this last is that I feel like God is really calling me to this program. And there are scholarship programs/payment plans. I would be paying for it myself this time. 

Please be praying for me, and that if God wants me to pursue this camp, he will open the doors (or windows, you never know) that would make it available to me.

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